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By IVIae
05-May-20 11:02


Day 1209 of lockdown: Welcome to the sweat fest folks!  TOTSSF EPL was bound to bring some madness into the list of cards available, and it did not disappoint, with some cards even eclipsing their TOTY version.  With the level of cards, it is no wonder that the grind was real this Weekend League and I was glad to have TOTSSF Salah fighting for the badge in my squad.  If you follow me on Twitter: @IVIaeday  you will know that I often turn to 94 Headliner Salah after my 20 game reviews are complete to get me over the line in the last 10.  I was hoping that the 97 version would be exactly the same, with just minor improvements, and I was pleasantly surprised that this was exactly the case.  After applying the FINISHER chemistry style I played Salah primarily in the Left ST of the 4-4-2, often finishing the last 25 – 30 minutes as a LM.  Mo Salah, Mo Salah, Mo Salah … was running down the wing this weekend in the following squad: 





Rating: 9.6/10
Pace Rating: 9.5/10
Dribbling Rating: 9.9/10
Shooting Rating: 9.4/10
Passing Rating: 9.5/10
Physical Rating: 8.8/10
Defending Rating: N/A

Those ratings are not an optical illusion, this card is such a treat to use, and was a key addition to my squad this weekend. However, one illusion I did encounter was the difference between the pace of the in-game statistics and what I experienced in-game.  The 99 ACCELERATION is there, every single sinew snapping ounce of force as Salah blisters away from his first touch.  However, the 97 SPRINT SPEED was definitely not in full force and I found Salah’s top end to be lacking throughout the weekend.  However, if your opponent is closing in for the kill you can utilize the incredible dribbling to manoeuver your way out of any situation.  99 AGILITY, 95 BALANCE, 97 BALL CONTROL …This card is seriously one smooth operator.


Linkability Rating: 4/5

Similar to Thiago, Salah has an entire army of special carded Liverpool teammates to link.  The bright and shiny addition of the EPL TOTSSF Squad is not hurting his links either.  It is because of these options that I leave Salah at a 4/5 despite his incredibly difficult nation to link.  Unless you completed Moments Trezeguet and really enjoy that card, there is nothing else to get the Egyptian into intricate hybrid options. 


End Game Strength

End Game Strength Rating: 5/5

There was a brief moment that I had this category at a 4.5/5 despite the endless supply of ammunition in Salah’s possession. The key here was the 3 STAR WEAK FOOT.  Why they couldn’t give this card the “Jamie Vardy Treatment” and boost his WF I do not know.  Yet, I still went for a 9.4/10 in the shooting department and Salah earned every single rating point.  The left foot on this card is about as close to a sure thing as I have used.  Incredible power (99 SHOT POWER) and accuracy (99 FINISHING) combine to create a cannon, with homing missile precision.  Of course with the FINISHER attached Salah is 99 rated in every Shooting category, save for his penalties.  However, I still come back to the 3 STAR, which is ultimately holding this card back.  I still scored goals on his right leg, but it cannot be trusted and is why I can see this card being moved to the back of the queue in due time.   


Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad 

Value/Coins Rating: 5/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 5/5

1.2 million as of this writing… and honestly, whether he drops more at rewards, or goes up out of packs, I think any number under 1.3 for this card is good value.  There are comparable options in that price range, but I have not yet used a card with this level of left stick dribbling, mixed with the quick burst acceleration, followed by the lethal injection left foot.  93 Stoichkov and 95 Maradona offer some good comparable(s) in the 3 STAR WEAK FOOT category and honestly lead me to think that Salah is even a bit low honestly.

25 goals and 7 assists in 20 matches during the EPL TOTSSF SWEAT FEST 2020.  It has a nice ring to it and really speaks to the level that this card can produce.  Lost in the mix of Salah’s impressive statistics is just how good the passing is with this card.  Whether breaking down intense team press or breaking down the 1 depth drop back, Salah has the pinpoint accuracy required to get the ball into tight spaces… and then his movement off of the ball does the rest of the work to create key chances when it matters.  


Closing Words

Last but not least I did want to spend just a few words talking about the strength with this card, the key detail being that he actually has some.  I was pleasantly surprised with the ability to hold off defenders and to ride tackles of bigger opponents throughout the weekend.  Again, this was beneficial when opponents tried to press up the pitch and use their CBs to pin me in… as well as against the drop back squads bouncing off tackles in the box to get those precious shots on goal.  In the end, I would be absolutely made up to get this card in any of my rewards this weekend, but if not I think I will look to bring him back in the future as I build my end game squad.  In the end, if you are looking for a dynamic ST or a creative winger you could do a lot worse than the Egyptian King… he helped me climb the Elite 3 pyramid all weekend, and I know he could do the same for you.  Cheers for reading.



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